What does the Bible say about Christian Mothers?"
A mother, mom, mum, momma or mama, Madea, nana, adoptive mother, stepmother, grandma, as in the role of a maternal parenting; as it is challenging to define a mother to suit a universally accepted definition. Being a mother is a very important role that the Lord chooses to give to many women. A Christian mother is told to love her children (Titus 2:4-5), in part so that she does not bring reproach on the Lord and on the Savior whose name she bears. Children are a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3-5). In Titus 2:4, the Greek word philoteknos appears in reference to mothers loving their children. This word represents a special kind of “mother love.” The idea that flows out of this word is that of caring for our children, nurturing them, affectionately embracing them, meeting their needs, and tenderly befriending each one as a unique gift from the hand of God.
Several things are commanded of Christian mothers in God’s Word:
-Availability – morning, noon, and night (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)
-Involvement – interacting, discussing, thinking, and processing life together (Ephesians 6:4)
-Teaching – the Scriptures and a biblical worldview (Psalm 78:5-6; Deuteronomy 4:10; Ephesians 6:4)
-Training – helping a child to develop skills and discover his/her strengths (Proverbs 22:6) and spiritual gifts (Romans 12:3-8 and 1 -Corinthians 12)
-Discipline – teaching the fear of the Lord, drawing the line consistently, lovingly, firmly
(Ephesians 6:4; Hebrews 12:5-11; Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13-14; 29:15-17)
-Nurture – providing an environment of constant verbal support, freedom to fail, acceptance, affection, unconditional love
Titus 2:4; 2 Timothy 1:7; Ephesians 4:29-32; 5:1-2; Galatians 5:22; 1 Peter 3:8-9)
-Modeling with Integrity – living what you say, being a model from which a child can learn by “catching” the essence of godly living (Deuteronomy 4:9, 15, 23; Proverbs 10:9; 11:3; Psalm 37:18, 37).
The Bible never states that every woman should be a mother. However, it does say that those whom the Lord blesses to be mothers should take the responsibility seriously. Mothers have a unique and crucial role in the lives of their children. Motherhood is not a chore or unpleasant task. Just as a mother bears a child during pregnancy, and just as a mother feeds and cares for a child during infancy, so mothers also play an ongoing role in the lives of their children, whether they are adolescents, teenagers, young adults, or even adults with children of their own. While the role of motherhood must change and develop, the love, care, nurture, and encouragement a mother gives should never cease.
MARY WAS SOUGHT OUT BY GOD (Luke 1:26-28). She joined so many others: Adam and Eve in the Garden, Noah in the PreFlood world, Abram in Ur, Saul on the road to Damascus . . . God is in the people-seeking business.
MARY WAS HUMBLE (Luke 1:29, "Who me?"). No airs, no pride, just a humble troubled heart that anyone would even say such a thing. She knew her own heart, certainly God would to!
MARY PARTOOK OF GOD'S GRACE. She was saved by God (Luke 1:30, lit. "discovered grace of God". Mary joined the countless multitude who are heirs of life eternal by God's grace. Marvelous grace of our loving Lord grace that exceeds our sin and our shame, yonder on Calvary's mount outpoured there where the blood of the Lamb was shed. Her study of the Word led her to the open arms of "God my Savior."
MARY HAD AN INCREDIBLE MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY (Luke 1:31-33). To produce within her body tiny hands that would some day touch lepers with a healing touch, to form a mouth within her womb that would speak the very Word of God, to feel the kick of feet that would walk the roads of Israel and spread the Gospel. What an incredible ministry opportunity.
Excerpts from "Mary: Mother of James" by Discover the Book Ministries