Putting God First - Seek the Kingdom of God and all shall be added unto you.
Before this perspective was written, I simply could not think or concentrate until I came to terms with God. I did not feel right expressing views about anything as I was not being a true example of God’s service. Believe me, I do not want to stand before you or God and write on a topic and not have a truthful relationship with Him. I had to get right with God. I prayed to our Precious Lord God to search my heart, and cleanse all fragments of iniquities; humble me and turn me around into a renewed vessel of his love. I would like to share the following with you.
Chaos - Too much
In our lives, there are many variance of commitments, priorities, and activities with: school, church, children's sports activities, work and recreation; family and friends. Sometimes, the lack of time management allows us to become so busy that we begin to forget the reason why we're "doing" or we lose all sense of the "right" purpose. Are we serving God, serving others or serving ourselves?
Some variance may involve trials as; being faced in the displeasure of illness or the care of a loved one, displaced relationships, and financial woes. Sometimes the unforeseen places a simple life's structure and unification out of order. Situations may become overwhelming, frustrating, confusing, consumed with fear, worry and frustration. A continuous cycle with no success, fulfillment or resolution.
Internal Conflicts - Not Enough
On the flip side, a while ago, I was mulling through one of the most difficult times in my life. It was shortly after the holidays…It’s not the national headlines of major events that one would think of, but it was personal afflictions some may pass off as a normal downside of living. Losing focus in various priorities and procrastination - starting with a little hour delayed here or there: Maybe I’m not feeling well! or I’m too tired! I can’t think of that right now! or let me do this first! and then…results never take place. I would become frustrated, but instead of blaming myself, I would shift the blame to my spouse: Why didn’t this get done? or What happened to that? What began as a little coil of excuses, began to spiral into blame, not caring, detachment, avoidance, losing purpose and conviction, but ultimately a wiry coil of shame; hoping that God would just take a great big ol’ scooper and pick up the mess I’ve made, and start all over. Not to simplify or justify the situation - but just wanted to "shove the dust” under the rug and pretend that it is not there. …Again, we are faced with overwhelming frustration, confusion, and worry; a continuous cycle of unfulfillment and no peace.
Difficult situations with no Positive Results
What am I doing wrong? Why is my life not right? Why can’t I see favor? Why do I feel like I fail in things I’m trying to accomplish the most? For a moment, like an ostrich I would run and hide my head hoping problems would just go away; as soon as I’d lift my head, the responsibilities staring right back at me. How do we allow our life's activities and responsibilities manifest out of control? By NOT putting God First, my thoughts and action became frozen in time, I was spinning and going nowhere; I couldn’t concentrate and no sense of direction. I do not blame God for not allowing blessing(s); I am my own hindrance. God is a practical, trustful and justice God!
Attempting to Fix the Problems
In “my quest”, reading the Bible and searching for the right words to motivate me. In church, I would seek solace; at home home, reading scriptures repetitiously to help sooth my worry, heal my frustrations... and looking for a quick fix …but no effect, Why?
Not Putting God First - BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT
Wrong Mindset: I was searching for a real revelation, a burning desire in my heart; I would momentarily become uplifted, but distraction appeared. I was not in the right Mindset!!! Not allowing God to come IN and work IN me! My heart was definitely not in the right place. Pray, Pray and Pray!
Not Listening: Being too busy to take the time to know that God has been trying to get my attention all along, I am being told over and over again...come back to me; I love you! You are my child. But not truly listening to what He was saying: "Selective Listening." We tend to put Him off, making excuses; He is a forgiving God, He understands. Then things happen, it is not God's doing, but it does happen. Pray, Pray and Pray to listen and understand and embrace His words.
Lack of Trust and Faith: Internal turmoil can attack anyone; when you are in internal conflict you cannot place yourself with others nor are you in the right state of mind to help anyone...Pray, Pray, and Pray!
Living Life in Vain - So you ask, "Why can’t "I" concentrate? Why am "I" not focused? or Why am "I" doing all these things with no results?
I realize that my first priority is toalways honor, love and obey God, and the second most important is to love and serve others and just Allow Him!!
Confront Yourself!
Swallow your pride: this is a big deal. You are not your own creator. Stop lying to yourself; contrary to what one may say - you are in control of your spiritual destiny (good or bad).
Examine your heart - Seek daily, be on top before it overwhelms you. Prioritize your life, what it truly important to you; how does this glorify God. Does this serve God's purpose? How does this serve you and the people you love?
Know your weaknesses – Ask God to search your heart and come to terms; your actions, attitude, bitterness, defiance, ignorance and offenses. Pray to have them removed.
Be remorseful – be truly sorry; have a truly contrite spirit – know how your actions offend God, offend others and yourself.
Forgiveness – Open your heart to God – Confess your sins and allow God into your life. LET HIM COME IN. God is loving and forgiving over and over again. Always forgive others - God didn't say it would be easy, but again...LET HIIM COME IN.
Healing – Give yourself a chance to heal. When you ask for forgiveness; trust in His word. Don’t’ beat yourself up get over it.
Thanks and Praise – No matter what your situation is, always give thanks and praise and God the Glory!
Start Over – Regroup, refresh and start over. Pray that God will direct your path, making your way clear. Organize your life, put everything in the right perspective.
Resolution and Assurance
-Pray, pray and pray !!! For every situation, every concern, every desire, every affliction, every bit of comfort, for structure!
-Listen, Listen and Listen, allow God to come into your heart. Do you believe what God says? Be honest. I believe all things are possible
-Embrace Him, Enfold in his Love, and Obey His will - Being on the outside of His presence- life's concerns will not go away,
-Trust in His Word = Through God, anything is possible, just know that nothing can separate you from the love of God except yourself.
Psalm 34:19- Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.
- Give Thanks and Praise in all that you do to God! In all that you receive, and all that you are! For all blessings received, past, present and future, seen and unseen, direct and indirect giving God all the Glory, Honor and Praise.
Scriptures: I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:1-2