Love Others as we Love Ourselves
Introduction: Praying for one another, with so much turmoil, hate, envy in the world, how do we express our love for one another? God’s commands us to do so. When we pray, we generally pray to intercede for ones we love; our family, friends and co-workers. In doing so, we ask for healings, blessings and opportunities. What about praying for people we don’t particularly care for or who may have wronged us. Is the word enemy too strong? What about nemesis, rival, opponent, predator, hostile government, racism, religion?
How do we know our true enemy?
Conflict with someone we love: Because of a disagreement, hateful words, maybe even an act of aggression. Is it truly an enemy or someone who truly cares for us (as in tough love); interpretation can be muddled and cause distortion instead of seeing the reality of true love. Seek the Lord for His guidance.
What if its a true enemy? Every reason or cause, we must battle with the armor of God, we pray for the person and/or the situation. Our enemy is not the person, but the principality. Sometimes, an evil act or situation presents itself as a door of opportunity. Sometimes God allows us to weather the storm so that we can become or stay closer to him.
Either way, we ask God to show us the difference and TRUST in Him to lead the way.
Justice or Revenge - When we have been wronged, or someone has hurts us really bad, symptoms and conditions from the abuse can leave us physically damaged, emotionally, mentally or spiritually drained. Any of the four elements can interact with one or the other. Because of someone’s action, a feeling to get even or to take revenge can manifest into an ugly realm of hatred, if we’re not careful. Again, we should pray and trust in God for justice.
Do not dishearten your Heart: Perhaps you’ve experienced ingratitude, entitlement or scorn for a kind act or support to someone. Do not dishearten your heart and do not take matters in your own hands, pray to God, we can trust God with the outcome. Though it seems that the world is unfair, that wrong conquers right, lies can manipulate man’s justice, God’s truth is eternal. Because someone else may have hurt you, do not build a shield around you so that no one else can love and respect you. God has created everyone to be loved. His word shows it and he will bring to justice. “Let God lead you. Let us not become disheartened, on those who have harmed us. (Psalms 95-8).
Forgiveness: As sweet as it sounds, can be achingly difficult and long after you’ve forgiven, the words lives on in memory. (Matthew 6:14-15, NIV) “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” When you make the decision to forgive someone, you are also making it possible for that burden to be lifted. Just because you have forgiven someone, does not mean that they are forgiven by God. God is a just God!
Closing: What if you’re the victim or the perpetrator (though I don’t think we are)? God does not give up on us and we should not give up on ourselves. God’s strong hands will heal our imperfections. Remember:
THE VICTIM: JOSEPH, the son of Jacob
Read in the Old Testament in the Book of Genesis- the 11th of Jacob's 12 sons, was casted into a cistern by his jealous and heartless brothers and left to die. He was rescued, however enslaved yet was found favor in Egyptian society; whose heart was so endeared for the love of his family, forgave all of this brothers and his family reunited, relationship restored.
Read in the New Testament - Book of Acts - A man against those newly found Christians, whom he did not know, stopped on the road to Damascus by Jesus, the crucified asked: "Saul, Why do you forsake me?" Saul, who was spiritually blind, became physically blind for three days, there - spirit of Jesus revealed to him, a disciple after Jesus, is now known as one of the most devout Christians, whose name is Paul.
Our precious redeemer, who was crucified for our sins, our wrongdoing: Thing about it, even in the midst of mocking, the falsehood, the innocent accused, the torture, the hate; yet, he says to his Heavenly Father: "FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO" Jesus tremendous love for us overshadows anything we have done to him or our brothers. When you love one another, it is not always easy or rewarding. Sometimes loving the person who has hurt us can be hard, but it is by this kind of love that others will know that Christ lives in you.
Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV)
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.