Bearing the Cross
As illustrated in the 14 Stations of the Cross and crucifixion, the ultimate realization of Jesus bearing His own cross; the excruciating torture, anguish, weariness, sorrow and ultimate death of His earthly body, can only be understood in the light of his LOVE for us. The cross of Jesus is the symbol, the badge, the expression of Divine love. “God the Father so loved that He gave His Son;” “God the Son so loved that He gave Himself;” and “God the Spirit so loves that He takes of the things of Jesus and shows them to us.” As Jesus’ grief is the bearing of our sins, "My soul is sorrowful, even unto death," our Lord endured not only the punishment, but the actual sins of His people. "He was made sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." Glory to God!
What it means for Christians bear the cross?
In the idiom: "cross to bear" it is a metaphor speaking of suffering. As it related to Jesus’ crucifixion, the ultimate sacrifice was to save man from his own destruction through Jesus’ death and resurrection. We have our crosses to bear that can be self inflicting or evolved from worldly circumstance. God allows trials to occur in our lives. Yet, when trusting God and his infinite wisdom and love, you are assured there is resolution…at His will. When taking up your cross…
1. You are willing to forsake all things and endure all things for His sake
2. You openly avow your profession of His name and truth before men.
3. You pursue true holiness of heart and benevolence to God and man.
4. You’re not to be influenced of the world and concern for your own reputation.
5. You willingly and cheerfully endure and accept trials with joy and thanksgiving; without reluctance.
Bearing your Cross - Do you carry your cross daily?
The Lord asked his believers to carry their cross daily and to follow him. "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me." Luke 9:23 “Crosses” are very diverse. Bitter trials, bereavement, desolate households, aching hearts and sin and conflicts of sin. Crosses are beared different ways. To some, God says, "Put your shoulder to the burden; lift it up, and bear it on; work, and toil, and labor!" To others, He says, "Be still, bear it, and suffer!" We are tempted every day to lay down our cross and live our lives instead of the life of Jesus. We must resolve in our minds to trust God. Place Christ upon His throne in our hearts and say NO to the world (selfishness, greed, pride and excessive worldly possessions). Let us take up our crosses daily, forgetting what is behind and follow in Christ Jesus. We must embrace this life that God has ordained for us because the cross signifies our ownership of sin and it's consequences in light of God's love and forgiveness. In carrying our cross daily, we:
1. Share the love and forgiveness to others as Jesus did regardless of the consequences.
2. Imitate and follow of Jesus in all our actions, words and deeds.
3. We deal with life and its circumstances in a way that is total acceptance and gratitude - both good and bad.
4. May we all carry our crosses as Jesus did without complaint.
What does it mean for us as Christians to bear the cross of others?
It was not meant for us to bear the load alone, nor bear it long. Christ carries with us its heaviest end. Simon, the Cyrenean, who carried the cross in which Jesus’ body could no longer hold, did not balk at the task. Simon raised it, straining hard as he attempted to lift the weight of Jesus up the steep mountainside to Calvary despite the possible dangers. Simon later became an outstanding Christian of Rome. (Matthew 27:32). The holy bible reflects many stories in which people selflessly come to the aid of others in spite of their own. We carry crosses everyday for ourselves and others! We do so in our thoughts, actions, prayers, our devotion, sacrifice and our love for one another! So we must constantly exercise this privilege; lift others up, no matter what the circumstance is; so that the glory of God is the outcome. In addition to praying, we must also give of our time, help and support. This holds true of all the Christian graces, as all of them are only modifications of one great principle, generosity. 2 Chronicles 16:9 - "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him......"
Jesus’ love bore a far heavier one for you; and will remain as you reap the blessings of discipline, obedience and service. Let the thought of Christ's sympathy and compassion soothe and sustain you by the arms of His grace. Let him raise you up from the weariness, pain and exhaustion that succumb beneath the burden. No other can sympathize with your present position as Christ. Bearing the burden of His cross has schooled Him for the path you now tread. Take your cross to His foot and the spectacle of His suffering love will make your affliction light and momentary. You shall declare with the Psalmist, "I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." Rejoice in the assurance that He gives not one atom more of earthly trial than He sees to be really needful. In the very bearing of the cross for His sake there are mighty compensations. What new views of your Savior's love! His truth, His promises His sustaining grace, His sufferings, His glory!
2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrew 12:2-3 (NIV)